Forget what you know about clinical, analytical art therapy and try our fun alternative "DIY Art Therapy" workshops for women, perfect for anyone keen to flex their artistic muscles whilst expressing their emotions in a healthy manner; our workshops are about manifesting an improved, positive view of yourself, set in a comfortable yet unpatronising atmosphere. Simply put, it's therapeutic without having to talk about personal matters and an art class without the pressure of producing perfect (boring) pieces of art!
Each session features 3-4 pieces, which are given themes or questions to be answered via your art. There is a large selection of materials and mediums to use which are all provided for free.
What our Art Therapy Workshops can help with:
*Mental health issues and illnesses
*Artistic confidence
*Low self esteem
*Empowering women
*Interpersonal relationship issues
*Developing new perspectives
*Teaching/practicing good self care
*Making friends/being apart of a community of women
About Arts Sisterhood:
Arts Sisterhood have been providing women of the UK with affordable DIY Art Therapy workshops for 3 years now and have seen over 10,000 women attend their alternative, collaborative workshops. Arts Sisterhood's mission is to spread awareness on the psychological healing art therapy can give to those with mental health issues, to make art therapy more accessible to the masses and to push for art to be provided as a prescription on the NHS. Arts Sisterhood has been commissioned by institutions such as Tate Modern, Barbican, Viacom, BBC, UAL and many others to facilitate their workshops.
Tickets are provided on a sliding scale for better accessibility:
£5 Receiving benefits, disabled (please only use up these tickets if this applies to you)
£7 Standard
Get your tickets here.
We also have baked vegan treats and mental health zines for sale, the money goes back into helping us keep our workshops affordable.
Floor 5/6 of Peckham Levels (Step free access available)
Peckham Town Centre Carpark
95A Rye Lane
SE15 4ST