TEDxPeckham 2019
TEDxPeckham is back in South East London for a third year, with a whole host of incredible speakers, this year discussing the topic of ‘home’. TEDxPeckham will discuss the ideas of home, what it means to you, where do you find it and how do you find your way back again.
One of the speakers at TEDxPeckham first events. Image @tedxpeckham
TEDx is a program created by TED to encourage local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDxPeckham aims to connect people who have innovative approaches to life and to create a platform to embrace and acknowledge the ever-changing people of Peckham. At this TEDxPeckham event, you can expect TEDTalks video and live speakers aiming to spark a deep discussion and connection with an intimate group of like-minded people.
This event is a non-profit, organised by passionate volunteers. They are also offering a limited number of tickets at a reduced price for students and local residents.
Tickets £22-£60
Theatre Peckham, 221 Havil Street, Peckham, London, SE5 7SD