Win this limited edition stencil graffiti print by Soul’D
November 3rd- December 2nd
Stencil artist Soul’D creates art with the intention of ‘re-souling a culture that has lost it’s way’. Soul’D artwork often carries a bold political statement - a dissident undertone designed to disrupt the ‘business as usual’ approach to life, calling for a deeper questioning and scrutiny of the status quo.
Soul’D has created an interactive Peckham project called ‘The Bigger Project’ with the aim to raise awareness around environmental issues and what we can all do to help.
So what is the Bigger Picture Art Trail? Hidden around Peckham are 6 jigsaw pieces - the idea is to find the jigsaw pieces, photograph them, upload them to create the bigger picture and then enter the competition to win a limited edition Rainbow Warrior stencil graffiti print. Check out the map here and other details about the project here.
What is a rainbow warrior?
A Rainbow warrior is someone who has stepped up and wants to take action to help restore our planets’ health. They are everyday people who make small choices that collectively make big changes. From not using plastic to going vegan, campaigning against Palm Oil and deforestation or getting involved in beach and river clean ups. They can be your neighbour or the CEO of Greenpeace. When it comes to protecting our planet, we can all help.