Bussey Rooftop bar - welcome to summer time boozing


It's all about Peckham rooftop bars 

Peckham is fast becoming the place to go for rooftop boozing and for most, Frank's Cafe on the roof of Rye Lane's multi-storey car park springs to mind. But non-residents may be unaware of the huge roof terrace of the Bussey Building that plays host to the Rooftop Film club as well as an intimate and fun cocktail bar - Bussey Rooftop bar.

Bussey Rooftop Bar sits almost parallel to Frank's Cafe but has a slightly different vibe, it's low key (less touristy), relaxed and makes for a really chilled summer hangout spot that boasts panoramic views of London. 

The rooftop bar has an urban beach bar vibe going on, with decked out pastel coloured tables, beer keg stools, palms, twinkling fairy lights and little street food shacks. Perfect for soaking up the summer rays* with a cocktail in hand.

*Summer rays not guaranteed. It's Britain. 

Bussey Rooftop bar reopens for Summer on May 5th, Tues to Sun from 5pm

Roof A, Bussey Building, 133 Rye Ln, London SE15 4ST